What are the advantages for an EV SSL?


1. Enhanced Trust: Rigorous verification assures users they're interacting with a legitimate business, not a phisher.

2. Green Address Bar: Prominent visual cue of security builds confidence and brand authenticity.


3. Increased Conversions: Customers feel safer sharing sensitive information on secure, trusted websites.

4. SEO Boost: Some search engines may slightly favor EV-protected websites in rankings.


5. Improved Compliance: Meets stricter security regulations for certain industries and data handling.

6. Stronger Encryption: Provides industry-standard 256-bit encryption for secure data transmission.


7. Mobile Compatibility: Works seamlessly on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.


8. Future-Proofing: Prepares you for stricter security requirements emerging in the digital landscape.

9. Peace of Mind: Knowing your website offers the highest level of security brings valuable reassurance.

10. Competitive Edge: Stands out from competitors using less secure SSL certificates.
