8 fast growing houseplants that grow like crazy

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Do you want to turn your home into a vibrant jungle? It’s a piece of cake with fast growing houseplants. These plants not only look great but also improve air quality and add a calming vibe to any room.

In this blog, we’ll explore eight fast-growing houseplants that grow like crazy. These plants cater to beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts, quickly turning your space into a lush indoor jungle.

Let’s explore the best plants to liven up your home with greenery!

8 fast growing houseplants

Are you longing for a lively indoor jungle but don’t have the patience for slow-growing plants? You can quickly create a lush oasis in your home or office by choosing the right plants.

1. Heartleaf Philodendron:

This heartleaf trailing beauty is ideal for hanging baskets or letting it climb a moss pole. The cascading vines with heart-shaped leaves bring elegance and life to any space.

Key Features:

  • Trailing vine with glossy, heart-shaped leaves.
  • Low-maintenance and air-purifying.
  • Adapts to moderate to bright, indirect light.
  • Fast grower (several feet per year with good care).

Care Tips:

  • Make sure to water thoroughly once the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Prefers moderate humidity (mist occasionally).
  • Ideal temperature: 65–80°F (18–27°C).
  • Monthly fertilization during spring/summer (optional).
  • Propagates easily from stem cuttings.

Toxic to pets and humans if ingested.

Enjoy your beautiful Heartleaf Philodendron! Remember, keep it out of reach of children and animals, and wipe leaves occasionally for optimal growth.

2. Philodendron Brasil:

Not only is it a fast grower, but it also boasts stunning variegated foliage. The vibrant mix of green, yellow, and cream leaves injects a burst of color and cheer into your surroundings.

Key Features:

  • Vibrant green, yellow, and cream leaves
  • Thrives in bright, indirect light
  • Prefers moist, not soggy soil

Care Essentials:

  • Water when the top inch of soil dries
  • Maintain 65-80°F temperature
  • Mist occasionally for extra humidity (optional)
  • Monthly fertilization during spring/summer (optional)

Keep It Happy:

  • Wipe leaves for optimal growth
  • More light means more variation
  • Pinch leggy growth for a bushier plant

This low-maintenance beauty is perfect for adding color and life to your space! (Remember, it is toxic to pets and humans if ingested.)

3. Spider Plant:

A champion of low maintenance and rapid growth, the spider plant is a popular choice for a reason. It produces spiderette offshoots for easy propagation.

The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is a champion of easy care. It thrives on neglect, has beautiful cascading foliage, and purifies your air.

Key Features:

  • Fast-growing with baby siderites for easy propagation
  • Tolerates most light conditions (bright indirect is best)

Simple Care:

  • Water deeply when the top inch of soil dries.
  • Prefers moderate temperatures and humidity (average room conditions are fine).
  • Fertilize monthly during spring/summer (optional).


Non-toxic to pets and humans, this is a great low-maintenance plant for any space.

4. Arrowhead Plant:

This versatile plant offers double the fun! You can grow it as a bushy centerpiece for a table or let it climb a support structure. That creates a lush vertical garden.

Key Features:

  • Lush, green arrowhead-shaped leaves
  • Adaptable: Thrives as a bushy plant or climbing vine
  • Air-purifying and relatively fast-growing

Care Variations:

  • Bushy Plant: Grows well in a pot with moderate watering (when the top inch of soil dries).
  • Climbing Vine: Provide a moss pole for support, and water more frequently as the plant grows larger.

General Care:

  • Prefers bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Maintain moderate temperatures (65-80°F).
  • The average room humidity is sufficient.
  • Fertilize monthly during spring/summer (optional).

Keep in Mind:

  • Toxic to pets and humans if ingested.
  • Wipe leaves occasionally for better growth.

With its versatility and air-purifying properties, the Arrowhead Plant is a great choice for creating a touch of the tropics indoors.

Read Also: 10 Low Light Indoor Trees That Will Thrive In Your Home

5. Golden Pithos (Devil’s Ivy):

Here’s a plant that thrives on neglect! Golden pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy, is a champion of low-light conditions. Its cascading vines with heart-shaped, golden leaves bring vibrancy with low maintenance.

Key Features:

  • Lush, cascading vines with heart-shaped, golden leaves (variations exist with more or less variegation)
  • Champion of low-light conditions (can even survive in near darkness!)
  • Nearly impossible to kill (perfect for beginners)
  • Air-purifying

Easy Care Routine:

  • Water deeply when the top 1-2 inches of soil dry out. Less is more with watering!
  • Prefers average room temperatures (65-80°F).
  • Average room humidity is sufficient but thrives with occasional misting.
  • Fertilize monthly during spring/summer (optional, but can encourage faster growth).

Pro Tips for a Thriving Pothos:

  • Provide a moss pole or support structure for climbing if desired.
  • Bright, indirect light encourages variegation in the leaves.
  • Rotate your plant occasionally for even growth.
  • Wipe leaves for optimal growth and to remove dust.

Non-toxic to pets and humans (unlike its nickname Devil’s Ivy!), the Golden Pothos is a safe and easy way to bring life and vibrancy to your indoor space.

Read Also: How To Hang A Grow Light: 5 Simple Steps For Indoor Gardeners

6. Peace Lily:

This elegant plant offers a double whammy of beauty and clean air. The peace lily is known for its white flowers and air-purifying qualities. That enhances indoor air quality and creates a serene atmosphere.

Key Features:

  • Elegant white “flowers” (spathes) that rise from lush green foliage.
  • Air-purifying properties (removes common toxins from indoor air).
  • Relatively easy to care for, but thrives with a little attention.

Peace Lily Care:

  • Give the plant water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. The peace lily will dramatically droop when thirsty but perks up quickly with a good watering.
  • Prefers bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.
  • Enjoys moderate humidity (misting occasionally or using a pebble tray with water can help).
  • Maintains well in average room temperatures (65–80 °F).
  • Optional, but monthly feeding during spring/summer can encourage more blooms.

The peace lily communicates its needs! The white “flowers” will droop when thirsty and slowly perk back up after watering.

7. Swiss Cheese Vine:

The Swiss Cheese Vine (Monstera adansonii) boasts captivating, holey leaves (fenestrations) that add a touch of the tropics to your space. This fast-growing vine is perfect for cascading displays.

Key Features:

  • Unique, split-leaf foliage with “holes” that develop as it matures.
  • Fast-growing vine for hanging baskets, shelves, or moss poles.
  • Prefers moderate to bright, indirect sunlight.

Care Essentials:

  • Water deeply when the top inch dries.
  • Moderate humidity (misting or pebble tray).
  • Warm temperatures (65-80°F).
  • Optional monthly fertilizer for growth.
  • Moss poles boost climbing and larger, fenestrated leaves.

Non-toxic, pet and human-friendly, this unique vine is a conversation starter for your indoor jungle.

8. Wild Banana (Strelitzia Nicolai):

The Wild Banana (Strelitzia Nicolai) isn’t a true banana plant, but its dramatic flair brings the tropics indoors. Its large, glossy leaves unfurl majestically, creating a bold statement.

Key Features:

  • Air-purifying architectural wonder
  • Large, paddle-shaped leaves

Care Highlights:

  • Bright, indirect light
  • Water deeply when the top inch is dry (allow drainage)
  • Moderate humidity (misting or pebble tray)
  • Warm temperatures

When you select fast-growing houseplants, consider factors like lighting, aesthetics, and pot size. That will thrive as an indoor oasis with a vibrant atmosphere through research and informed decisions.

Read Also: 3 Simple Ways To Use LED Grow Light Bulbs For Indoor Plants

FAQs about fast growing houseplants

How can I tell if my fast-grower needs more fertilizer?

Look for signs of slow growth, pale leaves, or stunted new foliage. These could indicate insufficient nutrients. However, avoid overfertilizing, which can lead to burned leaves and root damage.

Start with a weak solution during the growing season (spring/summer) and adjust based on your plant’s response.

What are some alternative ways to boost growth besides fertilizer?

  • Increase humidity: group plants together or use a pebble tray to raise humidity, especially for tropical varieties.
  • Maintain consistent watering: underwatering can stunt growth, but overwatering can suffocate roots. Learn your plant’s watering needs and stick to a schedule.
  • Rotate your plants: Ensure all sides receive adequate light for even growth.
  • Provide proper pot drainage: Excess water needs to escape to prevent root rot. Choose pots with drainage holes and use a well-draining potting mix.

Can I use leftover coffee grounds as fertilizer?

Coffee grounds are slightly acidic and can be beneficial for acid-loving plants like philodendrons or ferns. However, they don’t provide a complete range of nutrients.

Use them sparingly as a compost addition or as a top dressing (avoid direct root contact).

How much sunlight is “good light” for fast growth?

Light needs vary by plant. Research your specific plant’s requirements. However, most fast-growers benefit from 8–10 hours of bright, indirect light daily.

South-facing windows offer the strongest light, while north-facing ones offer the least. East or west windows provide good options for many fast-growing plants.

Should I report my fast growing houseplants every year?

Not necessarily. Repot only when the roots outgrow the current pot, as indicated by roots circling the pot or pushing through drainage holes.

Choose a pot only 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current one to avoid overwatering issues.

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